ICAO Symposium on non-CO2 emissions

Airlines International Representation in Europe (AIRE) participated in the International Civil Aviation Organization Symposium on non-CO2 Emissions in Montreal this week. Our Policy Advisor Nadine Braun was there representing us and diving into the discussions.

Focus on Sustainability

Addressing non-CO2 emissions is crucial for advancing sustainability in the aviation industry. The symposium provided a key platform for exploring innovative strategies and solutions to reduce environmental impact. Our involvement highlights our commitment to supporting industry-wide efforts to minimize the carbon footprint.

Driving Change Together

Our participation in the symposium underscores our commitment to addressing non-CO2 emissions and advancing sustainability in aviation. Engaging with industry leaders and collaborating on practical solutions highlights our dedication to reducing environmental impact. We are focused on driving meaningful progress and are committed to working together to achieve a more sustainable and greener future for aviation.



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Airlines International Representation in Europe

Rue Belliard 40 - BSP Office - 5th floor
1040 Brussels, Belgium

+32 470 544 542

VAT BE 0424.052.821

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